How To Write A Article That Makes You $2500 weekly

For those who are advertising as an affiliate, I always advice them to write their own affiliate presale letter instead of advertising the standard sales page prepared by the product owner. There are 3 important reasons why such move is advisable:
1. People believe a 3rd party more than the product owner, even if they don’t know you! Your presale letter is the best tool to deliver your confidence in the product.
2. By not revealing too much about the product in your presale letter, you can increase prospects’ curiosity and they will be more interested to read through the actual sales letter.
3. You have more control over your advertised page. For example, you can build a list, follow up with the prospects and sell them other products. You can also track the click through rate to the sales page and determine if you are advertising to the correct target audience.
The big challenge is, how to write an effective affiliate presale letter?
Below is a simple format that has been working for me……
1) Story telling
A presale letter typically begins with the classic Feel-Felt-Found method which goes something like this… “I understand how you ‘FEEL’…. I was in your position before and I ‘FELT’ the same before…. Now I finally ‘FOUND’ the solution….
That’s only the beginning.
2) Give proof and sell dreams
To make the presale letter more powerful, you have to end the presale letter with 2 things – Proof and Dream.
Proof usually comes in the form of a written or video testimonial, which can easily be copied from the product sales letter.
Painting a dream requires some talent from you. If you are promoting a money making opportunity, post some of your pictures taken from your Europe tour, tell the prospect how your dream has come true.
3) Call to action
Last but not least, if you want to build a list, you will want them to opt-in to your list to get the full report on how you manage to solve the problem. You will only reveal the product that you’re promoting AFTER they’ve opt-in.
If you are not building a list, you can just give them a link to see the solution you’ve found, which is the product you’re promoting.
No Time For Long-Winded Presale Letter? Here’s The Short-Cut
1) Write a powerful headline that stirs curiosity and sells dream. For example, “Discover A Lucrative Alternative To MLM – You Are About To See A Simple Online System That Pulls In Over $21,900 A Month (Proof Below)…”
2) Throw in a few proofs, such as proof of earnings.
3) Throw in a few testimonials (with photographs if possible).
Tips: You can copy the proofs and testimonials from the actual sales letter. If you can get proofs and testimonials from other sources, it’s even better. One trick is to write to the company to ask them for other proofs and testimonials that are not used in the sales page.
4) End with a call to action, such as “Get Your Instant Access Now!”, “Get The Report Now!” and recently, one of my regular advertisers use this – “Click Here For More Testimonials”, which is not a bad idea I thought.

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