The Two Lessons People Learn TOO LATE IN LIFE

Most of us spend our lives thinking that we will be around forever , thinking that our relatives and friends will be there forever and we have all the time in the world .

1. Life Is Too Short 

I believe everyone of us has lost a relative , friends , workmates and many other people who we knew , loved or cherished .

The moment we realise that we wont be here forever , it gives us a sense of urgency . It gives us the urgency to love our families now . To spend time with our relatives now and to show our love and care to those who it is due . To share what we have now .

Most people realise this when its too late and try to show people love especially on their funerals by giving good speeches , and buying flowers , things they never did whilst that person was still alive .

It also gives us the sense of urgency to persue our dreams now other than spending our lives chasing other peoples dreams .

Tomorrow is not guaranteed the only moment that we have is now .

2. You Dont Know Anything 

The moment you realise that you dont know anything youll be able to learn new things and grow as a person . It removes that sense of arrogance and the sense of knowing it all attitude .

I believe we all know of one person who knows everything , who just cant resist but talk all the time .

 Those type of people just talk but their lives dont reflect that their intelligence . They want to give lots of advice but they themselves are still struggling and are broke .

I believe a big ego should also reflect a Big bank account otherwise its just talk .

Most of successful people are good listeners . They still want to learn more and they know that they dont know everything . Learning can only be done by listening more than by talking .

Talking too much leaves no room to listen to new ideas , and people wont be able to teach you what they know because they will assume you kno it all.

Always remember you can learn something from the least expected person so leave that room to learn new thing .


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