
Showing posts from November, 2018

How To Be Rich At Young Age

Many people have diffrent desires in Life and there is nothing wrong with that . Some are entrepreneurs , some love going to work and some love working at home online . Our differences makes us unique , but the one thing that we have in common is we all want to make money . If you goal is to make money whilst your still young then this article is for you . All you need to do is follow these steps and your set. 1. Dont Follow The Crowd  Society will try to comform you , to tell you who you are and what path you should take . The Norms that society values , they force these norm and values every  individual trying to make a clone of everyone . If you follow the path that all people follow youll end up just like those people . The world only takes note of those that are unique and diffrent from the rest . If you study the lives of all successful individuals youll find out that those people stood out from the rest . You should live your life by your own set of rules and r

The Two Lessons People Learn TOO LATE IN LIFE

Most of us spend our lives thinking that we will be around forever , thinking that our relatives and friends will be there forever and we have all the time in the world . 1. Life Is Too Short  I believe everyone of us has lost a relative , friends , workmates and many other people who we knew , loved or cherished . The moment we realise that we wont be here forever , it gives us a sense of urgency . It gives us the urgency to love our families now . To spend time with our relatives now and to show our love and care to those who it is due . To share what we have now . Most people realise this when its too late and try to show people love especially on their funerals by giving good speeches , and buying flowers , things they never did whilst that person was still alive . It also gives us the sense of urgency to persue our dreams now other than spending our lives chasing other peoples dreams . Tomorrow is not guaranteed the only moment that we have is now . 2. You Dont